A New Light

I often tell clients if they don’t like something I will buy it from them. Not the $12,000 custom sectional, of course, but you get the gist. I will not leave a client with something they do not love.

CUT TO the 42” round light fixture being installed for our clients transitioning from an old family home to a new build that would represent the next chapter of their lives. I’d told them the fixture would be striking but, perhaps… shocking when they first saw it and I was right. BUT I always recommend a client live with it for two weeks to give their mind’s eye time to adapt. After all it was a brand new, warm, inviting space encased in a great room concept full of bold choices: custom drapery, textured wallpaper, a unique color palette of soft pinks, purples, deep greens and creams, a stylish mirror, impressive vintage one-of-a-kind doors, and, drum roll please… the 42” stunner of a light fixture.

So, they lived with it… and in living with it they knew they loved it. A remarkably transformative space that was thankful for the past but super excited for what comes next. They literally saw their future in a new light.

And I did not have to buy that new light fixture.

Location: Superior, CO
Photos by From The Hip Photography

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